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 [an error occurred while processing this directive] Beverage News
I hadn't heard of this before, but a student was suspend from his school because he wore a Pepsi t-shirt on 'Coke Day' a little while ago. Actually, just after I graduated my High School, I was told that they had stopped doing school-pep rallies, and had started Coke-pep rallies where instead of getting excited about the football team, you get excited about the opportunity to drink soft drinks. Ok, the school-pep rallies sucked, but at least the school wasn't whoring itself then. Read an interview with the guy who got suspended here.
[posted by gavin on Monday, July 31, 2000 | Discuss | link this]

Giant global fart destroyed the dinosaurs
A new theory states that a massive methane bubble below the surface of the ocean floor popped, which caused the prehistoric mass extinctions.
[posted by gavin on Friday, July 28, 2000 | Discuss | link this]

Hey Buddy

Saddam Hussein: internet sex god and rock star. The man has talent.
[posted by gavin on Friday, July 28, 2000 | Discuss | link this]

Sex News
Can't go for too long without finding another anti-masturbation website.
Random Quote #1: God hates it when men waste sperm
Random Quote #2: God did not give us genitals for entertainment
[posted by gavin on Thursday, July 27, 2000 | Discuss | link this]

Pooh for you
What's Winnie the Pooh up to now? Kama Sutra, of course!
[posted by gavin on Thursday, July 20, 2000 | Discuss | link this]

10 unballanced people in one small house.. all for you
I've been watching the Big Brother feeds on the web for a while now (which are much better than the tv show itself), and holy crap: half the contestents are mentally unstable. Mega's one of the more insane house guests, but at least he's fun (in an evil-fun kind of way). I just heard about his webpage. Read what people are saying about the show here.
[posted by gavin on Wednesday, July 19, 2000 | Discuss | link this]

There's a new mysterious Macintosh computer being announced tommorow, or sometime soon. It's very top secret, so don't tell anyone.
[posted by gavin on Wednesday, July 19, 2000 | Discuss | link this]

Beethoven's stalking me
Computers do strange things.
[posted by gavin on Sunday, July 16, 2000 | Discuss | link this]

Big Brother
Big Brother has started in the UK now. I tried to watch the webcast, but couldn't figure out what they were saying. I felt like the secretary in Being John Malkovich: "I'm sorry, I have no idea what you're saying to me right now." And I was born and raised in England; I shouldn't have this much trouble with their accents. Oh well, I'm not going to watch it anyway.. even though the brit one sounds better, I've invested too much time in the yankee Big Brother to switch over just yet.
Random Quote: 29-year-old former trainee nun Anna, whose hobbies include "pubs, pals and sex."
[posted by gavin on Sunday, July 16, 2000 | Discuss | link this]

More namesakes
Did more searching for my name, and found I'm a character the a novel "Again, my love" by Kayla Perrin. Yes, again, my love, again.

Random Quote #1: "Gavin! She felt winded suddenly, weak-kneed"
Random Quote #1: "Prior experience with Gavin Williams had taught her a cruel lesson."

Damn straight.
[posted by gavin on Sunday, July 16, 2000 | Discuss | link this]

I searched for my own name on Google today and found this page. It's like I'm looking into a mirror of my mind.
[posted by gavin on Friday, July 14, 2000 | Discuss | link this]

Photos make me giddy
The Hubble telescope takes pretty pictures. But it bugs me b/c I can never find the best site with all the photos. I think this might be a good one, so see what you think.

On an unrelated topic, I can't believe they voted Gretchen off the island. I thought she was going to win.
[posted by gavin on Friday, July 14, 2000 | Discuss | link this]

May not used for blood any more
Heinz is changing the colour of its ketchup from boring red to new exciting green. Kids have indicate to Heinz, in that cute way kids have of screwing with major corporations, that they would love to eat green tomato ketchup. Mmm, enjoy.
[posted by gavin on Thursday, July 13, 2000 | Discuss | link this]

It was way too hot today, something wacky is going on with the weather.
[posted by gavin on Thursday, July 13, 2000 | Discuss | link this]


[posted by gavin on Tuesday, July 11, 2000 | Discuss | link this]

Apparently girls suck. Therapy for men who may have trouble with women (which would be.. all men?).
Random Dumping Line #1 "I want to be able to stay at home and pet my dog more often"
Random Dumping Line #2 "My, that's terribly misshapen"
[posted by gavin on Monday, July 10, 2000 | Discuss | link this]

Year 21: off to a good start
I got a job offer on my birthday to work at some local shop. The only thing was that it was a night shift, but I was ok with that. I arrived at 10.30 that Saturday night. The girl who I was working with finished at 2am, but the person who was supposed to take over from her didn't show up, so I was left alone at the front of the shop with my not-so-complete training. Fuck 10 hours of having the most unbalanced, coffee dependedent, insane customers yell at me for minimum wage. I quit at the end of my shift.
[posted by gavin on Monday, July 10, 2000 | Discuss | link this]

July 8th news
Went to the book store this morning to have a coffee, and saw all these decorations up saying that today is 'Harry Potter day!' Bah.. what about 'Gavin Day?' Ohh yeah, that's right.. I'm not really a nationally beloved fictional character.

I just found out that John D. Rockefeller has the same birthday as me, and I've been alive 255 months. That's me in a nutshell! And I'm also getting lot's of form 'Happy Birthday' emails from companies like WebShots and Volkswagen, and I'm not sure why, but they make me feel really good.
[posted by gavin on Saturday, July 08, 2000 | Discuss | link this]

Still not dead
Birthday eve for me: in about an hour I'll be legally allowed to gamble in Las Vegas. Huzzah! What traditional birthday events will I be doing? We can only guess.
[posted by gavin on Friday, July 07, 2000 | Discuss | link this]

Airplane movie
This movie is pretty damn awesome. And usually these independent internet movies are too artsy or boring, and hardly show any nudity, but this one made me laugh (although there still wasn't any nudity, but in this case that's kinda understandable).
[posted by gavin on Thursday, July 06, 2000 | Discuss | link this]

American Cheese
Saw the first episode of Big Brother last night. And I'm guessing a huge chunk of viewers turned off five minutes in, after the two hosts gave their cheesy introductions. "Look, there's so many buttons in here, it's like 'mission control!'", "Look! I'm in the toilet, and it has a camera!", and "Look! I'm in the bedroom and there's infrared lights! Haha! I find this funny!" Well whooptishit. It seemed more like a parody of big brother than the actual show itself. But much better is the live broadcast on the internet non-stop, so check that out.

On the other hand, last nights Survivor rocked. Grrrr.. Tagi tribe! Also, This article on the CBS page actually has some more info on it than you see on TV, so if you didn't know Richard had admitted he'd had vivid dreams about Sean, then go read it here.
[posted by gavin on Thursday, July 06, 2000 | Discuss | link this]

Star Wars: Episode II Update

This photo from the next Star Wars movie was leaked today. Looking good, Lucas!
[posted by gavin on Wednesday, July 05, 2000 | Discuss | link this]

My car decided it'd had enough today. I'd just been applying for a job, and when I left to start the car (which was parked just outside the door of where I'd been applying) all I got was a grumpy rumble from the engine. I called the motor association (who were able to find me even though I gave them the wrong street address), and got a boost. Went downtown and made the mistake of turning off my engine again and had to get another jumpstart. Figuring it was time for a new battery, I then went straight to Canadian Tire.. but the car didn't make it that far and started turning itself off bit by bit (so long windows, dashboard, and indicator lights). So I made it home (barely) and got towed to the garage where it turns out it an alternator thing.

On the plus side, at least it didn't explode.
[posted by gavin on Tuesday, July 04, 2000 | Discuss | link this]

Braces can make anyone look cute. Anyone.
[posted by gavin on Monday, July 03, 2000 | Discuss | link this]

Fireworks fever
The fireworks for Canada day didn't really work out. The city paid more than anyone else in the province for this firework display, but it started two and a half hours late (supposed to start at 11pm, but actually started at 1.30am). There was also an accident where half the fireworks were all set off on the ground at the same time, and in the end less than two thirds of the show actually took place. We walked down to the park to watch the celebrations at 11pm, but after an hour we just gave up and went back home. There were all these families and kids there too, who ended up going home before the fireworks started. Although it was still a good Canada day.. more people turned up than usual, and there was all kinds of public drunkenness, singing and nudity. Yay! There were also small fireworks being set off in the car park, and as we were walking home, we saw this family light a firework in their front garden which went about 4 foot into the air, turned horizontal, and rocketed into their nextdoor neighbors tree. I felt patriotic.
[posted by gavin on Sunday, July 02, 2000 | Discuss | link this]

New caption contest up
There's a new picture up at the caption contest. Good luck! The archives are here in case you want to reminisce.
[posted by gavin on Saturday, July 01, 2000 | Discuss | link this]

Happy Maple Leaf Day
Where I live there aren’t any maple leafs. The first real maple leaf I saw was on Canada day last year while on holiday in Victoria. I'd been wandering around the Canada Day festival besides the bay, and while I was making my way back to the hotel for lunch, I walked through the yard of this small church. I think it may have been a grave yard, but not the scary kind.. it was green and shaded and very nice and probably not haunted. Just as I was passing through I noticed there were all these maple leafs covering the ground, so I picked up as many as I could carry and took them with me. Those were the only maple leafs I saw there. Just one made it back home with me, which I dried out and put up in my wall.
Have a good Canada Day.
[posted by gavin on Saturday, July 01, 2000 | Discuss | link this]


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